got a garrard autoslim pmk 2 record plsayer which came with sonotone 8 ta cart the old stylus was still on and not in good shape but playable ,recieved the replacement which came from new old stock put it in and tested it out ,was surprised for a ceramic cart ,was raised on tipical bsr type of cart with the tetrad type of cart ,but i found the sonotone sounded a little better ,the tetrad has a lot of treble and midrange very little bass but the sonotone had very little midrange the treble was there but not too sharp and bass was slightly better of course had to increazse bass but the lows seemed more present than the tetrad , not saying it was a great sound but it seemed less annoying and tracking force was very light i tested it out at 3 grams to 5 grams it sounded ok not bad