You have the right to cancel your order during the cancellation period. This cancellation period starts when you place your order and ends 14 days after you receive the products.
For cancelled orders, we will refund to you the purchase price that you have paid. If you paid a standard delivery charge, we will also refund that charge. We will not refund any additional buyer enhanced postage or Special Delivery options.
We will reimburse the cost of sending an item back to us if it is defective or if it was damaged when you received it.
Refunds will be made within 5 days of the returned item being received by us. The refund will be made by the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless we agree some other arrangement.
Before returning an item, please contact us to obtain a Returns Number. Email info@gettheneedle.co.uk Please write the Returns Number on the outside of the package you send to us. We recommend that you also write your contact details and the Returns Number on a piece of paper inside the package.
Valid Claims and Fraud Prevention....Items that we have not supplied including old, worn or damaged items will not be exchanged or refunded .Due to an increasing number of unwarranted claims and attempted frauds, we reserve the right to identify and mark items